Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sonnet 6

Onto an Alpenglow you do contrast.

More radiant your glowing soul within.

Too soon the mountain top with stormy blast,

Cacophonies with lightning’s awesome din.

Quite often is the mighty mountain dressed,

Enshrouded with gray cowl so bleak and dark.

Cold rains and icy fingers grip her crest,

With ragged snowy features cold and stark.

But you, sweet jewel with brightly shining eyes,

Forever on the sunny side of life.

With magic words to conjure lover’s sighs,

Will never fade by life’s unending strife.

As long as planets whirl and winds do blow,

No end is there to your celestial glow.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sonnet 5

Prelude of lightless light and soundless sound.
Jet Black the clock that founts the tick of time.
Emptiness and sweet silence all abound.
Anticipation of beginning chime.
As lead conductor raises hand on high,
Kinetic talent waits for shoe to fall.
Baton like painted arrow set to fly,
And write the timeless tune upon the wall.
But from within the silence rose a song,
Beginning with the tiniest of bars.
To echo through the ages clear and strong,
Crescendo ever after to the stars.
 But was this song created all in vain,
And will it not all happen once again?

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sonnet 4

There stands a man upon the distant hill
With sparking orbs and alabaster tongue
Who skips about and gladly plays the shill
To greedy trolls upon the highest rung

As hapless puppets dangle from gold strings
That stare upon the world with cold blank eyes
And mimic lies with venomous sharp stings
To silence now forever peoples cries

But there may come a day when he will need
The people to support him where he stands
To then inoculate him from his greed
And sever from his heart those shackling strands

For there is more to life than fame and gold
And tyrant’s towers tumble and grow cold

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sonnet 3

When my brave clock has struck its final chime

And my long day has sunken into night.

When I'm no longer young and in my prime

And sad eyes can no more receive the light.

When zephyrs breathe no more against the trees

Whose branches sheltered well the singing bird

And winter's chill has frosted fallen leaves

While low the cheerful trill is no more heard.

Though when my youthful breath I do forsake

As to the end my time begins to flow

Since my poor heart with pause begins to quake

And fear of the unknown begins to grow.

When Time's dread scythe is raised to cut life's sheaf

I bravely leave this world without death's grief.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sonnet 2

Come speak damn foolish pen without the sense,

To help me write the words I need to say.

Go find the muse, who traveled with you hence,

To lover's glade, with coy young fools at play.

Why do the rhymes cascade from other's lips,

And blossom forth with easy flowing art,

To kiss the ear with song and warbling quips,

While cupid's arrows pierce the lover's heart?

But you false friend fain call yourself a pen,

That scratch and skip to my poor heart's confound,

With words that sink into the foggy fen,

Round tongue-tied brain with bound and hobbled sound?

More poetry lives in her curving smile,

Than this poor fumbling fool could e're compile.
Though this blog is part of Dave Stelmach Photography it will be used to feature my poetry. I hope you enjoy them.

Sonnet 1

If I were to compare you to a song
There would not be a melody so sure
No tune could last the endless day so strong
Or fill such golden notes with lyric pure

Some songs are dull and maybe sung off-key
And often is the melody unrhymed
Or harsh and filled with loud cacophony
By chance the lagging meter left un-timed

But your eternal song will never fade
Nor lose the lyric gift you do bestow
Or still the sweetest tempo ever played
With words so grand as written in an ode

So long as stars do shine and planets play
So long your melody forever gay